Awesome Technologies Inc, 740 Rowlee Road, Fulton, N.Y. 13069
office (607)
fax (315) 297-4040
toll-free (877) 411-6905
Company Service Planning
The ATI “Technical Planning” service focuses on developing and supporting the technical and business processes of an organization. There are three (3) areas of focus that ATI specializes in: Program and Project Management Support, Process Development, and Policy Development.
and Project Management Support
ATI’s Program and Project Management Support
service provides real world project management and cost analysis
using industry best practices as our guiding principles.
Real World
PMI and Six Sigma Implementations
The Awesome Technologies professional service team consists of
persons with proven leadership skills, in-depth information security
experience, technical competence and strong interpersonal skills.
The combination of our skills, in concert with our expertise and
knowledge of information security techniques and trends will produce
creative, high-impact solutions, that reflect real world
implementations of the PMI and Six Sigma standards.
For each project, ATI will utilize a senior project engineer (SPE) to coordinate all issues surrounding a given project. Through constant communication and effective project management skills, the senior project engineer will work with the organizations IT staff, to ensure that projects are on track, deadlines are met, and resources are made available as needed. This model ensures that Awesome Technologies is able to properly control and maintain the project, while meeting all of the customer’s requirements.
Cost Benefit Analysis
A Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a detailed
comparison between the positive and negative impacts of a given
situation. The reduction of costs is driving factor in most
industries for change. This analysis is utilized by organizations as
a business planning and decision making tool. There are three (3)
basic varieties of this analysis:
Return on investment (ROI analysis)
Financial justification
Cost of ownership analysis
All of these approaches to cost benefit analysis attempt to predict the financial impacts and other business consequences of an action. In addition all of these analysis processes have the same structural and procedural requirements for building a strong, successful business case
Processes are a key component to any
organizations day to day operations. ATI’s Process Development
service helps an organization quantify and document processes that
help the organization function in a more efficient and effective
Operations and Support
Operational support is a critical component of any organization. To
enable an organization to manage and effectively implement the
support process, it is imperative to have operational and support
processes in place. Awesome Technologies staff will analyze an
organizations business and technical requirements, then will
document and implement a process that identifies each step of the
support and operational process.
Engineering and
Working with industry best practices, the ATI
staff can aid an organization to develop an effective process for
engineering and architecture. This process will ensure that all
organizational security polices are followed, as well as ensure that
all personal are well informed about the architecture. This well
documented process will also detail each step of the approval
process to ensure that the architecture meets all requirements.
Utilizing our professional experience, the Awesome Technologies
consultants will work closely with an organization to develop the
proper qualifications, sizing, and cost estimates for a proper
solution that will meet expected requirements and certifications.
The service provides that value add of allowing the ATI team to
properly qualify individual products, multi-vendor solutions,
services, and SLA’s on behalf of an organization and may take the
form of an RFI (request for information) or an RFP (request for
Every organization needs policies to help
provide guiding principles for the user community and for how
business is done. These policies can span multiple sections of a
customer environment such as:
ATI’s Policy Development service helps an organization by investigating the requirements and associated priorities to identify, develop, and maintain policies to help ensure that the integrity of the organization is maintained at all times. In addition, our consultants will strive to integrate organizations policies with industry standards and best practices for both commercial and governmental environments.